What Are The Best Practices When Doing Earthmoving And Bulk Excavating?

When it comes to earthmoving and bulk excavation, are there any best practices that should be followed? There certainly are. In fact, there are quite a few of them. When

Calculating Cut and Fill for Leveling Properties Before Construction Needs Them to be Balanced to Save Costs

The earth on any site or property will have formed its own configurations with highs and lows that conform to the overall geological profile in the area. Before any structure

What Are The Best Practices When Doing Earthmoving And Bulk Excavating?

When it comes to earthmoving and bulk excavation, are there any best practices that should be followed? There certainly are. In fact, there are quite a few of them.

When an excavator visits a site, they should mark out every single place that they might be excavating later. These markings might happen with stakes, flags, or even white paint.

If there’s a local call center available (as noted by Call Before You Dig signs), then the excavator might need to contact them for their location request information sheet, which they then fill out. This might be done online, or the call center might actually send someone out.

What Are The Best Practices When Doing Earthmoving And Bulk Excavating?

Either way, the call center takes down the information. They then give the excavator their file reference number as well as a list of facility operators that require notification.

The excavator will need to notify an facility operators that the call center doesn’t. In some jurisdictions, an excavator will need to contact all the operators.

Every facility operator will have to come out to mark their own facilities that are in the work area, or just determine that the work area is clear of their installations and hardware. For health and safety issues with heavy machinery, visit:


Once the excavator verifies that all utilities have responded properly, they can document the markings with photographs.

Once all the facility operators have responded, and everyone has taken the care to preserve all the markings locators made, then the excavator can start their work schedule, so long as everyone is mindful of the markings. Everyone working on the excavation, whether they work in the actual field and equipment or not, should be well-versed on what all the markings are for. If the excavator professional who worked with the facility operators isn’t on-site at times, someone who answers directly to them should be.

Prior to any demolition, earthmoving, or bulk excavation taking place, the site supervisor must also identify the tolerance zone of the marked areas. Particular care has to be taken any time a cross section area involved liquid petroleum or gas lines will be worked over.

What Are The Best Practices When Doing Earthmoving And Bulk Excavating?

Hand-dug test holes should be dug to verify the locations of any marked utilities or facilities that are assumed to be down there. If any facility is exposed during the work, then the excavator needs to offer the appropriate protection and support so that none of the facilities are damaged.

Once any work is done, the excavator also needs to provide the proper backfill for any exposed facilities. Any utility markings also need to be removed. Click here for construction planning, equipment, and methods.

Along the way, there always needs to be full insurance coverage of the project. That’s not just a best practice to protect the personnel and equipment of an excavator’s crew, but also in the event of liability. Even with the best information from utility operators, the possibility of inadvertent damage or interruption to any facility underground could result in a lawsuit from them.

Above all else, local building codes and ordinances must always be adhered to, especially for any necessary inspections and/or permits.

Calculating Cut and Fill for Leveling Properties Before Construction Needs Them to be Balanced to Save Costs

The earth on any site or property will have formed its own configurations with highs and lows that conform to the overall geological profile in the area. Before any structure is built on such undulating land it is necessary for it to be cleared of the undulations so that the site can be of a level that permits construction of the building to take place. The site also has to be cleared of all debris, rocks, shrubs and other things that may cause a problem in construction.

This site cut has to be done correctly as this can have an effect on the quality of the foundations of the proposed structure. At the same time, it makes sense to see that the cut is carried out in such a way, that there is a minimum quantity of soil that needs to be carried away. If the soil needs to be transported outside the site, it gives rise to two problems. One, finding a place to dump this access soil, and secondly the high cost of this transportation that can greatly increase construction costs. The best solution for a site cut is where the levels are prepared in such a way, that whatever soil is cut is again filled up at another lower part of the site so that all material is completely used up. To get also about best practices when doing earth moving and bulk excavating, click here.

How to calculate how much soil needs to be removed in a site cut

How then, does one ensure this? Initially, the engineering team that is deputed with this task must carry out an extensive survey of the land and create contour maps that give the exact level at each point. This is best done after all shrubs and any loose material is cleared up. Cross sections at fixed intervals are then drawn out on graph paper. A level is proposed for the final surface, and this level is plotted on the cross sections. The area of the cross-section above the proposed level needs to be cut, while that below the level needs to be filled. This step is repeated across all sections, and the areas of cut and fill on each of them estimated. Knowing the fixed distance between the cross sections makes it possible to estimate the volume of cut and fill. This should be equal as far as possible and if this is not achieved at the first trial, the proposed level can be increased or reduced until equality is established.

How to calculate how much soil needs to be removed in a site cut

For large sites, landscape architects may even prefer different levels in different areas, and all these permutations and combinations are used to get a correct estimate of the level required in each area. Once the basic need of balancing cut and fill is arrived at for each area and levels firmed up, excavators or other machinery, or even manual labor can be brought in to cut the soil that needs to be removed and filed up in other parts. Get more information on www.monitor.co.ug/Magazines/HomesandProperty/What-to-consider-before-levelling-your-land/689858-3831824-12ofyo7/index.html

All these calculations can also be made using excavation software where the building site plan with level is imported as data into the software. The software allows you to create all the necessary alternate levels and automatically calculates the quantities that need to be removed. The accuracy of this method is the highest.